Renunciation Speech

时间:2024-11-05 06:23:06
Renunciation Speech[此文共605字]

lyndon baines johnson: Renunciation Speech<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

good evening, my fellow americans:

tonight i want to speak to you of peace in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />vietnam and southeast asia. no other question so preoccupies our people. no other dream so absorbs the 250 million human beings who live in that part of the world. no other goal motivates american policy in southeast asia.

for years, representatives of our governments and others have traveled the world seeking to find a basis for peace talks. since last september they have carried the offer that i made public at san antonio. and that offer was this:

that the united states would stop its bombardment of north vietnam when that would lead promptly to productive discussions -- and that we would assume that north vietnam would not take military advantage of our restraint.

hanoi denounced this offer, both privately and publicly. even while the search for peace was going on, north vietnam rushed their preparations for a savage assault on the people, the government, and the allies of south vietnam. their attack -- during the tet holidays -- failed to achieve its principal objectives. it did not collapse the elected government of south vietnam or shatter its army -- as the communists had hoped. it did not produce a "general uprising" among the people of the cities, as they had predicted. the communists were unable to maintain control of any of the more than 30 cities that they attacked. and they took very heavy casualties. but they did compel the south vietnamese and their allies to move certain forces from the countryside into the cities. they caused widespread disruption and suffering. their attacks, and the battles that followed, made refugees of half a million human beings.

the communists may renew their attack any day. they are, it appears, trying to make 1968 the year of decision in south vietnam -- the year that brings, if not final victory or defeat, at least a turning point in the struggle.

this much is clear: if they do mount another round of heavy attacks, they will not succeed in destroying the fighting power of south vietnam and its allies. but tragically, this is also clear: many men -- on both sides of the struggle -- will be lost. a nation that has already suffered 20 years of warfare will suffer once again. armies on both sides will take new casualties. and the war will go on. there is no need for this to be so. there is no need to delay the talks that could bring an end to this long and this bloody war.

tonight, i renew the offer i made last august: to stop the bombardment of north vietnam. we ask that talks begin promptly, that they be serious talks on the substance of peace. we assume that during those talk ……此处隐藏11702个字……

15 edward m. kennedy: "chappaquiddick"

16 spiro theodore agnew: television news coverage

17 geraldine ferraro: 1984 vice presidential nomination acceptance address 18 richard m. nixon: "checkers"

19 barbara jordan: "who then will speak for the common good?"

20 edward m. kennedy: truth and tolerance in america

21 ronald reagan: "a time for choosing" (aka "the Speech")

22 elie wiesel: "the perils of indifference"

23 richard m. nixon: cambodian incursion address

24 ronald reagan: first inaugural address

25 general douglas macarthur: thayer award acceptance address

26 lyndon baines johnson: Renunciation Speech

27 dwight d. eisenhower: farewell address

28 john f. kennedy: "ich bin ein berliner" ("i am a 'berliner'")

29 russell conwell : acres of diamonds

30 lyndon baines johnson: "let us continue"

31 malcolm x: "message to the grass roots"

32 ronald reagan: remarks at the u.s. ranger monument on the 40th anniversary of d-day

33 richard m. nixon: resignation Speech

34 opening statement: sexual harrassment hearings concerning judge clarence thomas

35 richard m. nixon: "the great silent majority"

36 lyndon baines johnson: "the great society?"

37 ronald reagan: the space shuttle "challenger" tragedy address

38 john f. kennedy: inaugural address

39 dwight d. eisenhower: "atoms for peace"

40 mccarthy-welch exchange: "have you no sense of decency"

41 lou gehrig: farewell to baseball address

42 ronald reagan: remarks at the brandenburg gate

43 harry s. truman: "the truman doctrine"

44 eleanor roosevelt: adoption of the declaration of human rights

45 mario cuomo: "a tale of two cities"

46 martin luther king: beyond vietnam -- a time to break silence

47 spiro theodore agnew: television news coverage

48 ronald reagan: the evil empire

49 ronald reagan: remarks at the u.s. ranger monument on the 40th anniversary of d-day

50 franklin delano roosevelt: pearl harbor address to the nation











english Speech

graduation Speech

english Speech

《Renunciation Speech[此文共605字].doc》
